NYFA COVID-19 Health and Campus Guidelines and Information - Updated: December 9, 2021, 2:30pm Click here for more information


NYFA COVID-19 Health Alert

April 17, 2020, 5:50pm

NYFA COVID-19 Health Alert

Dear NYFA New York,

I wish I were able talk in person to each of you. I am curious as to how you are feeling, the specific challenges you are facing, the silver linings, perhaps, you are discovering, and what it is you may need that I can possibly offer to ease the struggles you are experiencing. Until I can chat with you in my office or in the hallways of our campus, I send you eblasts. I hope you find the content of what I share helpful and useful. If they are neither, I do hope that anyone needing support reaches out to me (sandra.schein@nyfa.edu) and requests whatever specific help is needed.


Governor Cuomo announced yesterday that as of April 17, 8:00pm, all New Yorkers are required to wear masks or cloth facial coverings whenever in public and unable to maintain a distance of 6 feet from others. This means, for example, that everyone in New York State must wear masks when inside grocery stores, pharmacies, laundromats, when waiting to enter these establishments and also when entering restaurants to pick up take-out meals, walking on sidewalks and crossing streets and intersections.

Below are instructions on how to create your own face mask:Governor Cuomo also extended his New York State On Pause orders through May 15, 2020. Hence all non-essential workers are directed to work from home (study from home) until at least May 15, 2020.

Please also carefully read the revised Health Guidelines recently updated on The NYFA HUB for guidance on monitoring for COVID -19 symptoms of concern, protecting yourselves from coronavirus infection, accessing a telehealth appointment should you experience symptoms of concern, and knowing when calling 911 or going to an emergency room is needed. The information on the HUB has recently been updated to include guidelines for releasing yourself from self-quarantine, once you have recovered from COVID-19. These guidelines are reviewed below.

If you have recovered from suspected or confirmed COVID-19 please follow the guidelines below for releasing yourself from self-isolation. These guidelines are very conservative and integrate CDC guidelines with research findings from infectious disease scientists and physicians.

If you are recovered from COVID-19, you may release yourself from self-isolation when you meet ALL conditions noted below:
  • You have had no fever for at least 7 days without the use of fever reducing medications, AND
  • All of your other symptoms have significantly improved (such a coughing, sore throat, difficulty breathing, loss of sense of taste or smell, headaches, body aches, fatigue), AND
  • At least fourteen (14) days have passed since your symptoms first appeared.
Given what is presently known regarding spreading the coronavirus and developing immunity to the coronavirus, you are advised to follow these guidelines to ensure your own safety and the safety of others:
  • Keep a 6 feet distance between you and another person at all times
  • Wear a mask/cloth facial covering when leaving the home for essential travel
  • Frequently wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds
  • Avoid touching your face (eyes, nose, mouth) with unwashed hands
  • Cover your coughs and sneezes with your sleeve or tissue
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces in your home
If you are suspected or confirmed to have COVID-19 at this time, please keep a journal of your symptoms. Tracking your symptoms- knowing the first days and last days of each symptom you experience during the course of your illness --will help you determine, based on the guidelines above, when it is safe to emerge from self-isolation.

To self-assess your risk for COVID-19 based on best clinical practices, CDC guidelines, illness severity and risk factors, such as age and preexisting conditions, use this Coronavirus Checker, developed by Emory University.


Please review the prior April edition of the COVID-19 Health Alert for tips on staying sane during this challenging time of illness, physical distancing, online learning, and mind-boggling uncertainty.

For some of us, having our questions answered, no matter how vague those answers may be, helps soothe the feelings of fear, helplessness, and isolation (you and millions of others have similar questions and face similar struggles!).

The New York Times recently intuited your needs and published an article featuring an exhaustive list of pandemic-related Questions & Answers regarding health, finances, food support, parenting, travel, science, and so much more.

For immediate access to emotional support, please connect with any of the resources noted below.

  • NYFA Employees can access an 24/7 emotional support line, staffed by trained mental health professionals. This support line provides referrals to community resources to help with emotional concerns, as well as financial and legal concerns:
    • Call 1-866-342-6842
  • Employment Assistance Program (EAP) for Faculty/Staff: no cost support can be accessed through Life Balance
  • Free weekly online support groups: Free Online Support Groups by LMFT offered through Seeking Shalom.
For additional and immediate guidance on coping with COVID-19, Feeling Stressed About Coronavirus?Mental Health and Coping During COVID-19 and Coping With Stress and Social Distancing During Disease Outbreaks are excellent resources, published, respectively, by the CDC and the NYC Department of Health.

National Mental Health Hotlines and Help Centers
  • Office of Mental Health Emotional Support Helpline: 1-844-863-9314. Provides free and confidential support, helping callers experiencing increased anxiety due to the coronavirus emergency
  • Disaster Distress Helpline: 1-800-985-5909
  • National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273- TALK (8255)
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-800-799-SAFE (7233)
  • NCADV: organization committed to ending domestic violence
  • SAMHSA National Helpline: 1-800-662-HELP ( 24/7 Treatment Referral). Or visit website: https://www.samhsa.gov/find-help/national-helpline

Staying home and learning or working through online platforms is taxing on our bodies and our spirits. It is important to stay active, eat healthfully and maintain an optimum sleep schedule. It is also important to stay connected!

The Student Life departments on the NYFA Campuses in LA, NY, and South Beach are offering students opportunities for connection through digital platforms. Upcoming events include Karaoke, Speed Networking, DIY Vision Board, Yoga, Meditation, activities honoring Sexual Assault Awareness Month and so much more.CREATE MEANING: VOLUNTEERMEETING YOUR BASIC NEEDS


NYC Residents who are struggling to feed themselves and their families are encouraged to take advantage of programs offering assistance.FINANCIAL AND INCOME SUPPORT

For help seeking financial relief from banks, credit card companies, the federal government, etc., consult:
  • The Simple Dollar
  • CARES ACT Provides enhanced unemployment benefits and pandemic unemployment assistance, recently extended to include self-employed/1099 workers

Your landlord cannot evict you for having COVID-19 or for being under home quarantine. View guidance on tenant protections related to coronavirus through the Mayor’s Office to Protect Tenants. Contact them with questions or concerns here.


NYC has much to offer this weekend- free events from the comfort of your home. If you like Broadway musicals, The Show Must Go On, streams a new full-length Andrew Lloyd Weber musical each weekend. Saturday @ 8pm, tune in to Lady Gaga’s One World Together At Home concert. This is an event you won’t want to miss! Never been to one of NYC’s beloved parks? Take a virtual tour of each at NYC Parks Virtual Tours. Or visit at no cost some of the many NYC museums or cultural institutions featured in this Collection of Virtual Tours.


I hope that you have read this email carefully. It will be archived on The HUB for future reference here. Should you have any questions about its contents, please contact Dean Sandra Schein (sandra.schein@nyfa.edu). Also, since New York City remains the nation’s epicenter of the coronavirus, it is likely that your family and friends living elsewhere are concerned for your well-being. If you so choose, please share with them this correspondence. Perhaps others outside of NYC can help you take the proper precautions in staying healthy and safe. And should you feel ill, your family and friends may also be able to offer you support in accessing the help you need.

Since my last eblast, I have learned of a few more members of our community suspected of having COVID-19 Each are, thankfully, progressing towards recovery. To protect yourselves, to protect your family, friends, and neighbors, and to honor and assist our selfless and courageous healthcare workers, please practice good personal hygiene and stay home. Physical distancing and sheltering -in-place is more tolerable when we remind ourselves of their meaning and purpose. By staying home, we are saving lives.

Please reach out to your campus resources for any concerns you may have regarding your health and well-being. We are eager to assist you!

Sandra Schein, Dean of Students, NY: sandra.schein@nyfa.edu

Domingo Morales, Associate HR Director: domingo.morales@nyfa.edu

Together, we will endure this challenging time by sharing our strengths and uniting for the common good.

With appreciation for you all,

Sandra Schein, PhD.
Dean of Students, NYFA New York


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