NYFA COVID-19 Health and Campus Guidelines and Information - Updated: December 9, 2021, 2:30pm Click here for more information

Parking at NYFA

Parking at NYFA can be a little tricky and can take some planning.  NYFA is located in a busy metropolitan area nestled between a residential neighborhood, businesses, and studios.  If you have questions about parking, email us at parking.la@nyfa.edu.

Here is some information about Parking at NYFA to help!

Plan Ahead:

  • Plan ahead, pack your patience, and have a parking back-up plan.

  • Parking is limited and you are encouraged to make a parking plan and have a back-up plan.  Use the NYFA Parking Map to help you make your plan.


Be a Good Neighbor:

  • Be mindful about parking rules and observing parking regulations in the neighborhood around campus.  

  • NYFA is committed to being a good neighbor with the members of our surrounding community.  NYFA students are expected to be respectful while interacting with the neighbors in the residential and professional community surrounding the NYFA campus.  

  • Many industry people live and work around NYFA’s facilities, and your actions in and around campus can be a reflection


Parking at Riverside:

  • Parking at Riverside is free and is first come, first served.

  • A parking permit is required to park at Riverside.  Click here to request a parking permit for the Riverside Building.

  • If NYFA parking in the Riverside Building is full, refer to the NYFA Parking Map to show you where you can and can not park in the area.


Request a Parking Permit for the Riverside Building



Parking at Barham:

  • Parking on Forest Lawn Drive is free.

  • Limited monthly parking inside the garage is available at a cost.

    • Daily parking at the Barham Building is $1 every 20 minutes up to 3 hours and 20 mins.  The daily maximum cost is $10.

    • Monthly parking can be arranged with Mora Azimi by emailing mora@serviceparkingcorp.com or by calling (323) 851-2416. 

      • Monthly parking is $105.60 if paid in cash and $107.35 if paid by credit/debit card. A key fob for monthly parkers costs a one time charge of $30 that is non-refundable.


NYFA Parking Map:

  • Parking is limited and you are encouraged to make a parking plan and have a back-up plan.  

  • Refer to the NYFA Parking Map to help you make your plan.



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