NYFA COVID-19 Health and Campus Guidelines and Information - Updated: December 9, 2021, 2:30pm Click here for more information



Dear Faculty, Staff and Students,

Please use the below contact information for TECHNICAL SUPPORT with NYFA Zoom, our online classrooms.

Technical support is available during class hours.

Email: zoom@nyfa.edu
Phone: (929) 336-6778

Please note: Some users have attempted to activate their Zoom account more than once by clicking the link in the account invitation email from Zoom. This is not necessary nor possible. If you have already activated your Zoom account, open the Zoom application and "Sign in with Google" with your nyfa.edu email and password. If you attempt to activate your Zoom account a second time, you will receive a message that states, “The activation link expired."

Also, please note that the use of Zoom OUTSIDE OF TEACHER-LEAD CLASS TIME has session limits of 40 minutes for sessions with more than 2 participants. This is not a technical error.

Schedule related questions should be addressed with your department chair or coordinator. Zoom Technical Support can only assist with Zoom related technical issues.

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Visit our How-To Guides or FAQ

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