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Guided Meditation with LA Therapist Kathia Rabelo 
Monday, May 4, 2020 @ 3:00 p.m. ET/12:00 p.m. PT

Join Zoom Meeting: https://nyfa.zoom.us/j/4761867638 
Meeting ID: 476 186 7638 

Stress and Anxieties Support with Director of Counseling in NY, Jacky Hunt 
Mondays @ 6:00 p.m. ET/3:00 p.m. PT (Through May 25, 2020) 
Join us to give and get support and to discuss stress management techniques to help you through social distancing and an unexpected life circumstance. 

Join Zoom Meeting: https://nyfa.zoom.us/j/776240533 
Meeting ID: 776 240 533 

Asian Student Support Group 
Monday, May 4, 2020 @ 11:00 a.m. ET/2:00 p.m. PT
Please join an open support group for Asian students at NYFA to explore the challenges of being away from home, loneliness and isolation, language challenges existing in a digital space and culture specific difficulties with classroom learning over Zoom. The group will be led by Dr. Stanley Tam (Director of Counseling at NYFA-Los Angeles), a Chinese-American who has been born and raised in Los Angeles and has lived in New York City for 10 years.  

Join Zoom Meeting: https://nyfa.zoom.us/j/2452907278 
Meeting ID: 541 391 008 

Bounce Back: Nurture Your Natural Resilience 
Thursdays @ 2:00 p.m. ET (May 7, 2020 - May 21, 2020)
Please join us for this three-part (yes, come to all 3!) skills group that will help you develop grit and resilience around making mistakes and find new ways of thinking about life’s difficulties. 

Join Zoom Meeting: https://nyfa.zoom.us/j/93445281057 
Meeting ID: 934 4528 1057 

What I Wish I’d Known in College: a panel discussion about mental health for people of color 
Wednesday, May 6, 2020 @ 5:00 p.m. ET/2:00 p.m. PT
Join Directors of Counseling Stanley Tam, PhD, (LA), Jacky Hunt, LCSW (NYC) and members of our NYFA community, Hope Morgan and Paula Jimenez for a panel discussion of what we would tell our younger selves about therapy, mental health based on what we now know.  

Join Zoom Meeting: https://nyfa.zoom.us/j/92163904069 
Meeting ID: 921 6390 4069 

Creative Outlets 
Thursday, May 28, 2020 @ 4:00 p.m. ET/1:00 p.m. PT
Join Director of Counseling LA, Dr. Stanely Tam and a group of your peers to explore creative outlets and how they shape some of our emotions throughout the day/week. An opportunity to hear from others what works, what doesn’t and what we possibly could add to our bag of creative self-care to become more empowered, flexible, at peace, during a time of unease 

Join Zoom Meeting: https://nyfa.zoom.us/j/91568476913 
Meeting ID: 915 6847 6913 

Past NYFA Well Newsletters have focused on the need to care for yourself related to Covid-19 and the intense stress accompanying it. It’s essential we care for our mental health no matter what. Quality sleep, movement and light exercisefeeding yourself when hungry, and maintaining positive social connections are the building blocks of good mental health. While things are certainly different right now, there are some great ways to connect.  

NYFA’s own Amanda Brzezowski and Dean Sandi Schein are members of the Peace of Heart Choir that leads the national singalong. Join in every Thursday @ 7:02 p.m. ET. 

Social Media Cleanse 
During the month of May, delete one account from your feed that depletes you. Add one that nourishes you. Some accounts we like on IG: @namicommunicate, @findmywellbeing, @loveislouder, @blackmentalhealthalliance, @mentalhealthamerica 

Add in an App for your mental health 

Suicide Prevention 
One of society’s most important undertakings is ending death by suicide. You can help, too. The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention is an incredible resource for people struggling with thoughts of suicide, and the family and friends who survive someone’s death by suicide. Look here for support groups, how to talk to a friend, how to reach out for help, and more. If you’re worried about someone because their mood has been low, they aren’t interested in the things they used to love, or their social media posts are worrying you, speak up. Talk to one of our therapists about how to approach your friend. 

Mental Health Needs of People of Color 
People of color face barriers to mental health that prevent connection to care. That is changing as new resources become available. Have you heard of The Black Mental Health Alliance or Therapy for Black Girls? Both are spaces for people of color to match with excellent therapists of color and culturally competent clinicians all over the country. 

NYFA Counselors are always here for you Support Lines: 
Save these in your phone. Listen, you have selfies in your photos that are taking up the same space. Add these support contacts in your phone just in case: you never know when you or a friend might need them. 

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