NYFA COVID-19 Health and Campus Guidelines and Information - Updated: December 9, 2021, 2:30pm Click here for more information



Updated: JUNE 17, 2020 at 10:00am PT

Dear NYFA LA Community:

With the summer semester underway, I’d like to share with you the first COVID-19 update of the Summer 2020 semester. We hope you are staying healthy and safe during these uncertain times. I encourage you to continue to review the NYFA Health Alerts and archived communication to the LA Campus, which are regularly updated on the NYFA Student HUB

Resuming Limited Student Film Productions During Summer 2020 Semester
  • Departments are in the process of determining the appropriate schedule, procedures, and protocols for returning to production in the Summer 2020 semester.
    • NYFA LA is planning to begin productions in July that were delayed from the Spring 2020 semester.
  • Guidelines will be distributed for productions and for anyone returning to campus for checkouts and/or for production workshops.
  • Department Chairs will contact students who need to schedule productions and checkouts, and those cohorts that will be coming back for production workshops and stage workshops.
  • All employees and students are expected to arrive or reside in the Los Angeles region at least 14 days prior to their first day on campus and practice strict physical distancing and all CDC recommended personal hygiene practices
  • All Summer 2020 classes will remain online for the duration of the semester.
Remote Learning and WorkingCOVID-19 Information and Testing 
New information about the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) and expectations from government agencies are continuously emerging. NYFA continues to monitor recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)World Health Organization (WHO), and local health organizations
  • NYFA Health Alerts and archived communication to the LA Campus are regularly updated on the NYFA Student HUB
  • If you suspect you have COVID-19, if you have been tested for COVID-19, or if you believe a member of the NYFA community has COVID-19:
  • Once limited student film production resumes on campus, NYFA LA will begin contact tracing and notification processes. Details are forthcoming.
  • The City of LA continues to expand COVID-19 testing sites. Access the LA City Online Portal to learn more about FREE TESTING.
Resources and Tips for Student Success Help for Those in Need 
This unpredictable time can be especially trying for those in need. If you are in need, or you want to help, consider these options:Health, Mental Health, and Wellbeing 
If you are experiencing feelings of stress, anxiety, worry, fears, and generally feeling overwhelmed during these uncertain times, you are not alone. Below are resources available for students, faculty, and staff to offer support. Regards,

Dan Mackler
Dean of NYFA Los Angeles

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