NYFA COVID-19 Health and Campus Guidelines and Information - Updated: December 9, 2021, 2:30pm Click here for more information


NYFA NY COVID-19 Health Report

February 8, 2021, 5:30pm

Dear NYFA NY Community,

Today the NY campus reopens for in-person instruction. This is an exciting day for all of us. As we engage and collaborate in-person, we feel grateful for the opportunity for personal encounters and connections. We also remain aware of how, by working and learning in-person, we are accepting a small but increased risk to our individual and collective health and safety.

To mitigate this risk and protect the health and safety of the NY NYFA community, NYFA is launching this week an On-Campus Surveillance Testing Program. For information about the NYFA On-Campus Surveillance Testing Program, please refer to Information Regarding the NYFA NY COVID-19 Testing Protocol.

As part of the Pre-Entry Requirements of the NYFA COVID-19 Testing Protocol, all students/employees are required to get a RT-PCR COVID-19 diagnostic test and submit reports of negative test results to the COVID-19 Team Administrator in order to participate In their semester’s first in-person class or activity.

Since February 1, 2021 and in compliance with the Pre-Entry Test Requirement, four (4) NYFA NY community members tested positive for COVID-19. None of the individuals was present on campus at any time during their infectious periods and none had contact with any members of the NYFA community during their infectious periods. All individuals are currently observing self-isolation guidelines. And none of the individuals who tested positive for COVID-19 reside in the EHS residential facility.

It is important to note that the members of the NYFA NY community who tested positive for COVID-19 sought testing in accordance with NYFA's protocol of testing prior to participating in an in-person class or activity. This action prevented the spread of COVID-19 within our community.

The incidence rates of new cases of COVID-19 in New York City and New York State is decreasing and transmission rates are presently low. However, cases of individuals infected with the UK variant, B.1.1.7., have been confirmed in New York State and New York City. This variant has been determined to be highly transmissible. It remains of utmost importance that all members of the NYFA NY community remain vigilant by following personal hygiene guidelines, practicing physical distancing, wearing masks when venturing outside your homes, and staying home when you are sick.

For more tips on staying healthy and for guidance on how to access care should you become ill, please visit NYFA COVID-19 Health and Campus Information and Guidance.

New York State Updates: Indoor Dining and COVID-19 Eligibility
  • On Friday, February 12, 2021, the restriction on indoor dining will be lifted. Restaurants will be permitted to serve food indoors at 25% capacity. We, nonetheless, encourage all members of the NYFA community to refrain from eating in restaurants, indoors, for the time-being. Please be discriminating and elect to dine indoors only in well-ventilated, large spaces that can accommodate 6 feet spacing between tables, and in restaurants that demand the proper wearing of masks by all staff and all customers (when not seated).
  • On Monday, February 15, 2021, those individuals 16+ years of age who are vulnerable to severe illness will be eligible to receive their first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. Vulnerable individuals will be asked to present proof of their comorbidity (cancer, chronic kidney disease, pulmonary diseases, intellectual and developmental disabilities, heart conditions, immunocompromised states, obesity, pregnancy, sickle cell disease or thalassemia, Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes, cerebrovascular disease, neurologic conditions, liver disease).
    • To find out if you are eligible to be vaccinated, where to get a vaccination and what you might need to prove eligibility, visit nyc.gov/vaccinefinder.
NY Campus Information

For ongoing updates of the incidence of illness on the NY NYFA Campus, please consult the NY Campus Dashboard. The NY Campus Dashboard reflects the incidence of COVID-19 cases within the community of students, faculty and staff attending in-person classes and activities.

Please report positive COVID-19 test results to:

Faculty and Staff: Domingo Morales, Associate Director of Human Resources, Domingo.morales@nyfa.edu
Students: Sandra Schein, Director of Student Health and Wellness, Sandra.schein@nyfa.edu

We thank you so very much for your cooperation and we are so very pleased to welcome you back to campus.

NYFA COVID-19 Response Team


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