NYFA COVID-19 Health and Campus Guidelines and Information - Updated: December 9, 2021, 2:30pm Click here for more information

Counseling - LA CAMPUS

Treatment Agreement

Treatment Agreement

Counseling Services at NYFA are intended to support students in need through direct individual therapy, crisis intervention, post-vention, campus-wide education, staff training, and advocacy.  Counseling will provide on campus services to current students as well as referral to community resources for psychiatry and ongoing mental health services.  Counseling Services will provide referral to community resources for graduating students.  Counseling will provide consultation for faculty and staff who are concerned about students and will work to triage students on an as-needed basis.

Qualifying Students:
Any student enrolled at NYA is eligible for intake at Counseling Services.  Students enrolled at Counseling at NYFA will be seen based on clinically indicated frequency. Repeated missed sessions without notification may result in termination of services at NYFA Counseling.  Notification about termination of services at NYFA Counseling will be done in person when possible. Notification may be provided in writing via email.  (Please see “termination of services” section for more information.)

Intake process:
Students enter into counseling through a few avenues. 

  • Students are self-identified as in need
  • Identified by faculty or staff and referred
  • Deemed in need based on EMS transport to the hospital, by EMS evaluation through 911 phone call, or after crisis on campus including, but not limited to, physical assault (either perpetrator or victim), sexual violence or, panic attacks. 

Time frame:
NYFA counselors will reach out directly to a referred student introducing counseling on campus with information about necessary steps for engagement with services on site.  Students will complete attendant paperwork as part of the intake process.

Zoom Sessions and Remote Treatment Considerations
The Covid-19 pandemic has changed the way that NYFA Counselors provide services.  For the fall 2020 semester, all sessions will be held remotely via the Zoom platform to protect the health of our clinicians and students. 

  • Zoom sessions may feel different than in-person therapy and it’s important to create a private, uninterrupted space for sessions
  • Zoom sessions will not be recorded, but remote/online sessions are not a HIPPA compliant platform. NYFA has taken steps to ensure your privacy (password protection/waiting rooms.)
  • Counselors will only provide clinical services to students who are physically in the state in which the clinician is licensed to provide treatment
  • Clinians will furnish referrals/provide resources to out of state students to local providers whenever possible
  • NYFA Counseling will make group support and educational workshops available to all NYFA students as part of its mission

Frequency of Sessions:
The frequency of sessions will be discussed at the initial session.  When a student enters therapy at NYFA Counseling Services, they agree to regularly spaced sessions with the counselor.  Regularly scheduled treatment increases effectiveness. 

Missed Sessions:
Counselors expect that students give 24 hour notice when unable to attend a scheduled session.  When a pattern of missed sessions emerges, counselor and student will discuss readiness for therapy at this time.

Communication between client and staff:

  • Communication between client and counselor about clinical concerns shall be limited to in-person as much as is possible. 
  • Emails will be limited to scheduling. Counseling will not be conducted over email. Students who email for support will be asked to come to counseling in person for support or directed to after-hours crisis hotlines or E.R
  • Email is not a secure form of communication.  Any communication via email inherently acknowledges that it is not a confidential form of communication.

Case closure:
If a student does not respond to reschedule after their missed session within 2 weeks, they will be closed at counseling services. 

If a pattern of missed sessions emerges, Counselor will discuss with student this pattern and their readiness for counseling at this time.

Requests and recommendation for psychiatric assessments:
In many cases, students will require additional evaluation or care that cannot be provided directly by NYFA Counseling Services.  In these cases, NYFA Counselor will recommend the student seek a psychiatric evaluation through a community provider.  NYFA Counseling Services will work to find a community provider that accepts a student’s insurance provides services on a sliding scale, or clinic-based services. Counseling Services will support the student through their efforts to connect with psychiatry.  In cases where a psychiatric evaluation is required to further assess a student’s safety, risk to themselves or to the community, a leave of absence may be required.  In cases where a psychiatric evaluation is required to further assess a student’s safety; administration will be involved in ensuring that the student completes the evaluation.

Student Conduct Policy:
NYFA’s Code of Conduct applies at Counseling Services.  Please see student handbook for full details

Due to public health concerns related to Covid-19, NYFA Counseling Services will provide scheduled clinical phone services to currently enrolled students who are physically in the state of California at the time of their session.  Both student and clinician agree to maintain privacy during the scheduled phone session.  Should the need for higher level of care emerge during the course of the phone session, the student agrees to heed the counsel of the clinician and pursue this higher level of care.

Due to public health concerns related to Covid-19, NYFA Counseling Services will provide scheduled clinical phone services to currently enrolled students who are physically in New York State at the time of their session.  Both student and clinician agree to maintain privacy during the scheduled phone session.  Should the need for higher level of care emerge during the course of the phone session, the student agrees to heed the counsel of the clinician and pursue this higher level of care.

Due to public health concerns related to Covid-19, NYFA Counseling Services will provide scheduled clinical phone services to currently enrolled students who are physically in the state of Florida at the time of their session.  Both student and clinician agree to maintain privacy during the scheduled phone session.  Should the need for higher level of care emerge during the course of the phone session, the student agrees to heed the counsel of the clinician and pursue this higher level of care.

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